Sparthane™ (AnSBR)

The ultimate anaerobic technology for treatment of wastewaters high in fat and solids.

Without the need for pre-treatment of the wastewater, the acidified content of the buffer tank is fed into the Sparthane™ reactor in batches. The substrate in the reactor is metabolised by the suspended anaerobic biomass into the resulting biogas product. The solution includes a batch degassing tank. The final effluent is treated in a semi-continuous settling tank. While the treated water is discharged, the concentrated biomass is simultaneously returned to the anaerobic reactor to start the Sparthane™ anaerobic reactor sequence again.

Thanks to the unique metering and control system and the resulting dosing sequence of the wastewater, the substrate is completely biodegraded, allowing maximum biogas production.


Main characteristic

  • High tolerance to fats and suspended solids in the feed
  • SMART process control
  • High tolerance to feed fluctuations
  • No wastewater pre-treatment
  • Robust and stable operation
  • High operational flexibility